Faculty & Leadership

The best measure of our institutional success is our students' success. Our leadership and faculty are passionate about meeting the unique needs of adult online students across the United States and around the globe.

Champlain College Leadership

Our leadership team is fiercely committed to designing career-focused, quality academic programs; teaching, and the immediate practical application of knowledge in the workplace; increasing access and opportunity for all.

Champlain College Faculty

Champlain College Online's faculty are expert practitioners in their fields. Their industry expertise ensures that our curriculum is aligned with the needs of employers, and reflects the skills today’s professionals need for success. Classes led by our seasoned experts will give you real-world insight, and create a rich community of career-focused learning. Click here to explore Champlain College Online faculty member biographies. 


Faculty Name Email Address
Jonathan Abramson jabramson@champlain.edu
Jessica Akey jakey@champlain.edu
Kyle Allison kallison@champlain.edu
Michael Amato mamato@champlain.edu
Timothy Anderson anderson@champlain.edu
Muhammad Aslam maslam@champlain.edu
Alisa Avelar aavelar@champlain.edu
Phillip Bailey pbailey@champlain.edu
Wendy Bailey wbailey@champlain.edu
Bryant Bair bbair@champlain.edu
Steven Barefoot sbarefoot@champlain.edu
Anjali Barnick abarnick@champlain.edu
Justin Bateh jbateh@champlain.edu
Mark Bateh mbateh@champlain.edu
Walter Becker wbecker@champlain.edu
Reginald Bell rbell@champlain.edu
Sajel Bellon sbellon@champlain.edu
Miranda Blaiklock mblaiklock@champlain.edu
Cullen Bostock cbostock@champlain.edu
Dean Boyer dboyer@champlain.edu
David Boyle dboyle@champlain.edu
Kevin Braun kbraun@champlain.edu
Nathan Braun nbraun@champlain.edu
Eric Brown ebrown@champlain.edu
James Buck james.buck@champlain.edu
John Burns jburns@champlain.edu
Kimberly Byrd kbyrd@champlain.edu
David Cambio dcambio@champlain.edu
William Carrigan wcarrigan@champlain.edu
Jane Catton Beattie jcatton@champlain.edu
Adrian Cloete acloete@champlain.edu
Christine Cooper ccooper@champlain.edu
Akette Cowart acowart@champlain.edu
Jenelle Davis jenelle.davis@champlain.edu
Robert DeCarlo rdecarlo@champlain.edu
Josephine Delaney jdelaney@champlain.edu
Galateia Demetriou gdemetriou@champlain.edu
Lauren Deuel ldeuel@champlain.edu
Tamie-Jo Dickinson tdickinson@champlain.edu
Mauriella DiTommaso mditommaso@champlain.edu
Jeevan DSouza jdsouza@champlain.edu
Patrick Eller peller@champlain.edu
Lisa Elliott lelliott@champlain.edu
Trellany Evans tthomas-evans@champlain.edu
Jonathan Fowler jfowler@champlain.edu
Darren Franklin dfranklin@champlain.edu
David Freyman dfreyman@champlain.edu
Sheila Fry sfry@champlain.edu
Chris Gastardi cgastardi@champlain.edu
Junior Gentles jgentles@champlain.edu
Stephan Giles sgiles@champlain.edu
Daniel Gomez-Edwards dgomezedwards@champlain.edu
Austin Gray agray@champlain.edu
Gregory Gryczan ggryczan@champlain.edu
Jeanne Ha jha@champlain.edu
Christa Hagan-Howe chaganhowe@champlain.edu
Donald Haggerty haggerty@champlain.edu
Galal Hamdy ghamdy@champlain.edu
Toni Harris toni.harris@champlain.edu
Brandy Havens bhavens@champlain.edu
Daniel Hawk dhawk@champlain.edu
Debra Heintz dheintz@champlain.edu
Daniel Hembree dhembree@champlain.edu
Felix Hernandez fhernandez@champlain.edu
Ellen Hewett ehewett@champlain.edu
Steven Hickey smhickey@champlain.edu
Michelle Hobbs mhobbs@champlain.edu
Sandra Hudson shudson@champlain.edu
Maggie Hunter mhunter@champlain.edu
Matt Huwiler huwilerm@champlain.edu
Kathleen Hyde khyde@champlain.edu
Harry Jackson hjackson@champlain.edu
Eric Jollymore ejollymore@champlain.edu
Robert Kane rkane@champlain.edu
Joseph Kanser jkanser@champlain.edu
Frank Kardasz fkardasz@champlain.edu
Amy Kaufman akaufman@champlain.edu
Robert Kayl rkayl@champlain.edu
Charles Kelliher ckelliher@champlain.edu
Leslye Kornegay lkornegay@champlain.edu
Melinda Lathrop mlathrop@champlain.edu
John Lavallee lavallee@champlain.edu
Joel Lenoir jlenoir@champlain.edu
Amy Letinsky aletinsky@champlain.edu
Michael Levy mlevy@champlain.edu
Donald Lewis dlewis@champlain.edu
Peter Lotto plotto@champlain.edu
Benjamin Luthy bluthy@champlain.edu
Mary Manson mmanson@champlain.edu
Jaime Martin jmartin@champlain.edu
Rhonda McClellan rmclellan@champlain.edu
Ricardo McCoy rmccoy@champlain.edu
Tabatha McCullom tmccullom@champlain.edu
Jason McGoff jmcgoff@champlain.edu
Todd McKeever tmckeever@champlain.edu
Robert Melasky rmelasky@champlain.edu
Christine Melicharek cmelicharek@champlain.edu
Chris Miller cmiller@champlain.edu
Mike Miller mmiller@champlain.edu
James Monroe jmonroe@champlain.edu
Tanesha Morgan tmorgan@champlain.edu
Khatuna Mshvidobadze kmshvidobadze@champlain.edu
James Myers james.myers@champlain.edu
Pamela Nash pnash@champlain.edu
Samone Norsworthy snorsworthy@champlain.edu
Arthur Omran aomran@champlain.edu
Albert Orbinati aorbinati@champlain.edu
Douglas Orr dorr@champlain.edu
Roberta Peirick rpeirick@champlain.edu
Denyse Perry dperry@champlain.edu
Emily Peters epeters@champlain.edu
Dan Petterson dpetterson@champlain.edu
Michael Pieciak mpieciak@champlain.edu
Kimberly Polite kpolite@champlain.edu
Carla Ponti cponti@champlain.edu
Raymond Presky rpresky@champlain.edu
Mary Prindle mprindle@champlain.edu
Rachel Rappazzo rrappazzo@champlain.edu
Jimmy Reeves jreeves@champlain.edu
Kenneth Revett krevett@champlain.edu
Christopher Riddell criddell@champlain.edu
Elizabeth Robinson erobinson@champlain.edu
Lanaya Sandberg lsandberg@champlain.edu
Jeff Sanford jsanford@champlain.edu
Donna Savino dsavino@champlain.edu
Eileen Schiffer eschiffer@champlain.edu
Alexander Schraut aschraut@champlain.edu
Todd Schroeder tschroeder@champlain.edu
Daniel Selicaro dselicaro@champlain.edu
Robin Shah shah@champlain.edu
Rupen Shah rshah@champlain.edu
Regina Singletary rsingletary@champlain.edu
Anie Sklar asklar@champlain.edu
Aubrian Smith aubrian.smith@champlain.edu
Elaine St. Jean jstjean@champlain.edu
Holly Steeves hsteeves@champlain.edu
Todd Strunce tstrunce@champlain.edu
Tiffany Taves ttaves@champlain.edu
Alexandra Tursi atursi@champlain.edu
Meagan Van Woert mvanwoert@champlain.edu
Aaron Videtto avidetto@champlain.edu
Sara Videtto svidetto@champlain.edu
Michelle Wakefield mwakefield@champlain.edu
Jeff Walton jwalton@champlain.edu
Joseph Weagraff jweagraff@champlain.edu
Timothy Wedge twedge@champlain.edu
James Wemette jwemette@champlain.edu
David White dwhite@champlain.edu
Mark Wolzenburg wolzenburg@champlain.edu
Diane Yeoman dyeoman@champlain.edu
Elaine Young eyoung@champlain.edu
Julie Zink jzink@champlain.edu
Susan Zucker szucker@champlain.edu


CCO Leadership Team

Why Champlain

Superior Faculty

"The classroom environment was great, and the faculty were very helpful in terms of reaching out and being available. All of my professors were willing and ready to call, email or text whenever I needed them."

Tom Cianchetta Bachelor's Degree in Business Management
Digital Sales Manager, Epsilon
Tom Cianchetta, Bachelor's Degree in Business Management

Academic Excellence and Recognition

New England Commission of Higher Education Logo

Regionally accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education

US News & World Report Best Online Bachelor's Degree Programs

Ranked among the Best Online Bachelor’s Programs by U.S. News & World Report

Military Friendly Badge

Designated as a Military Friendly School for our commitment to the military community

Intelligent.com ranks Champlain College Online among best schools with accelerated bachelor's degrees

Named the among the best schools with accelerated bachelor's degrees by Intelligent.com

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Champlain Experience and Support

Our classes are intentionally small, and our faculty and advisors are focused on your success from day one through graduation. Discover what makes us different in our Student Experience Guide.

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Sunset over Lake Champlain from Champlain College campus in Burlington, Vermont

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