truED Tuition Rates

Preferred tuition rates available to truED organization employees and family members.

Champlain College Online (CCO) has truED agreements with over 80 organizations, including the Federal Government, to offer employees and eligible family members preferred tuition rates for online courses across four areas of study including business, cybersecurity, healthcare and information technology. To determine if your employer (or your spouse or domestic partner's employer) is on the list, visit our truED Organizations page

If your employer is not in the list, CCO also maintains agreements with the tuition benefit administration companies Bright Horizons/EdAssist, Edcor, and International Scholarship & Tuition Services, so review your organization's tuition benefit information to determine if you qualify through one of those administrators. 

Students not affiliated with a truED organization pay the rates listed on the undergraduate and graduate tuition pages. Do you work for a mid- to large-sized organization that is not enjoying the benefits of CCO's truED program? Encourage your learning leader or human relations officer to contact us

Starting Summer 2024, Champlain College graduates (online or on-campus) and graduates with an associate degree from any college or university may qualify for the same preferred tuition rates as our truED Alliance students. Ask an enrollment coach for details. 

truED Tuition Rates

truED Preferred Tuition Fall '23 - Summer '25

$290 per credit undergraduate tuition
$250 per credit undergraduate tuition Military Service Members*
$450 per credit graduate tuition for truED Alliances
$500 per credit graduate tuition for truED Partners
$150 One-Time Graduation Fee

truED Qualified Organizations

If your organization is part of the truED program, you and your spouse and eligible family members qualify for this special tuition pricing. To determine which rates you are eligible for, visit your organization's page.

* Spouses/domestic partners and eligible adult dependents pay the truED Alliance undergraduate rate.

Standard Tuition

Standard Online Tuition Fall '23 - Summer '25

$335 per credit Undergraduate courses
$595 per credit Graduate courses
$150 one-time graduation fee

Interested in truED?

Would your organization benefit from becoming a truED alliance or partner? Please have your Learning Leaders or Human Resources leaders contact us, we'd love to talk.