CCO Dates & Deadlines

Detailed academic calendar for accepted and current students

Spring 2025

Registration Opens in October

Undergrad Spring AJan. 13 - Feb. 28Add: Jan. 13-15        Feb. 14, 5:00 pm EST
Drop: Jan. 13 - 17
BREAK Between A&BMarch 1-9
Undergrad Spring BMarch 10 - April 25Add: March 10 - 12     April 11, 5:00 pm EST
Drop: March 10 - 14
Undergrad Full Term (15 weeks)Jan. 13 - April 25Add:  Jan. 13 - 17      March 28, 5:00 pm EST
Drop: Jan. 13 - 17
Graduate Spring 1Jan. 6 - Feb. 28Add: Jan. 6 - 8Feb. 14, 5:00 pm EST
Drop: Jan. 6 - 10
Graduate Spring 2March 3 - April 25Add: March 3 - 5April 11, 5:00 pm EST
Drop: March 3 - 7

The following select graduate courses will run in a 7 week format starting Spring 2025: 

  • MMKT 530
  • MMKT 535
  • MMKT 540
  • MMKT 545
Graduate Spring 1 (7 weeks)Jan. 13 - Feb. 28Add: Jan. 13 -15Feb. 14, 5:00 pm EST
Drop: Jan. 13 - 17
Graduate Spring 2 (7 weeks)March 10 - April 25Add: March 10 - 12April 11, 5:00 pm EST
Drop: March 10 - 14

Note: Students should review the course participation policy at the beginning of each class. Students can see course offerings for current and upcoming semesters here: Classlist

* ACCT-345 is a 10 week course starting at the beginning of each semester. The Friday of week 7 is the withdrawal deadline for this course.


Summer 2025

Registration Opens in February

Undergrad Summer AMay 5 - June 20Add: May 5 - 7       June 6, 5:00 pm EST
Drop: May 5 - 9
BREAK Between A&BJune 21 - June 29
Undergrad Summer BJune 30 - Aug. 15Add: June 30 - July 2     Aug. 1, 5:00 pm EST
Drop: June 30 - July 4
Undergrad Full Term (15 weeks)May 5 - Aug. 15Add:  May 5 - 9      July 11, 5:00 pm EST
Drop: May 5 - 9 
Graduate Summer 1May 5 - June 27Add: May 5 - 7June 13, 5:00 pm EST
Drop: May 5 - 9
Graduate Summer 2June 30 - Aug. 22Add: June 30 - July 2Aug. 8, 5:00 pm EST
Drop: June 30 - July 4

Select graduate courses will run in a 7 week format and follow these dates: 

Graduate Summer 1 (7 weeks)May 5 - June 20Add: May 5 - 7June 6, 5:00 pm EST
Drop: May 5 - 9
Graduate Summer 2 (7 weeks)June 30 - Aug. 15Add: June 30 - July 2Aug. 1, 5:00 pm EST
Drop: June 30 - July 4

Note: Students should review the course participation policy at the beginning of each class. Students can see course offerings for current and upcoming semesters here: Classlist

* ACCT-345 is a 10 week course starting at the beginning of each semester. The Friday of week 7 is the withdrawal deadline for this course.


Fall 2025

Registration Opens in February

Undergrad Fall ASept. 1 - Oct. 17Add: Sept. 1 - 3    Oct. 3, 5:00 pm EST
Drop: Sept. 1 - 5
BREAK Between A&BOct. 18-26
Undergrad Fall BOct. 27 - Dec. 12Add: Oct. 27 - 29    Nov. 28, 5:00 pm EST
Drop: Oct. 27 - 31
Undergrad Full Term (15 weeks)Sept. 1 - Dec. 12Add:  Sept. 1 - 5     Nov. 14, 5:00 pm EST
Drop: Sept. 1 - 5
Graduate Fall 1Aug. 25 - Oct. 17Add: Aug. 25 - 27Oct. 3, 5:00 pm EST
Drop: Aug. 25 - 29
Graduate Fall 2Oct. 20-Dec. 12Add: Oct. 20 - 22Nov. 21, 5:00 pm EST
Drop: Oct. 20 - 24

Select graduate courses will run in a 7 week format and follow these dates: 

Graduate Fall 1 (7 weeks)Sept. 1 - Oct. 17Add: Sept. 1 - 3Oct. 3, 5:00 pm EST
Drop: Sept. 1 -5
Graduate Fall 2 (7 weeks)Oct. 20 - Dec. 12Add: Oct. 20 - 22Nov. 21, 5:00 pm EST
Drop: Oct. 20 - 24

Note: Students should review the course participation policy at the beginning of each class. Students can see course offerings for current and upcoming semesters here: Classlist

* ACCT-345 is a 10 week course starting at the beginning of each semester. The Friday of week 7 is the withdrawal deadline for this course.