Group of adults sitting in a circle with one young woman leading the discussion

Not Getting Through to Your Employees? Try a "Positive" Approach!

Is your organizational culture in need of an uplift? Are YOU in need of an uplift? A positive organizational development (POD) approach may be just what you need. POD is one of the cornerstones of the business program at Champlain College Online. Both our undergraduate degree program in Business Management, as well as our MBA degree program, focus on teaching POD skills because we know it works. We also know it can help you to transform your workplace culture!

What is Positive Organizational Development?

Positive organizational development (POD) is a process that focuses on enhancing the well-being and effectiveness of organizations and their members. It involves creating a positive work culture and environment that supports the growth and development of individuals and teams. POD is based on the idea that organizations can be more successful and sustainable when they focus on building strengths and promoting positive attitudes and behaviors.

Some of the key principles of POD include:

  • Fostering positive relationships: POD emphasizes the importance of building positive relationships within the organization, including between employees and between employees and leadership.
  • Encouraging personal and professional growth: POD promotes the growth and development of individuals and teams through learning and development opportunities.
  • Focusing on strengths: POD encourages organizations to identify and leverage the strengths of their employees, rather than focusing solely on weaknesses.
  • Promoting a positive work culture: POD emphasizes the importance of creating a positive work culture that promotes well-being and engagement.

Overall, POD is focused on creating a positive and sustainable organizational environment that supports the growth and development of individuals and teams. POD is all about understanding and utilizing the strengths of yourself as a leader, the people on your team, and the collective strengths of the organization.

Strengths? What strengths?

POD requires a strength-based approach to leadership, which is a leadership style that focuses on identifying and leveraging the strengths and abilities of both yourself as a leader, and individual team members to achieve organizational goals and to drive success. It does not ignore deficiencies, nor does it seek to focus on the past. Rather, a strength-based approach places emphasis on generating action for future improvements. It looks forward, and places individuals in positions of strength and ascendency. Deficiencies are seen as opportunities for personal development and action plans are put in place to address them.

There are several advantages to this approach:

  • Improved performance: When team members are able to use their strengths and abilities, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated, which can lead to improved performance.
  • Increased job satisfaction: Team members who are able to use their strengths and abilities are more likely to find their work rewarding and satisfying, leading to higher levels of job satisfaction.
  • Higher levels of engagement: A strength-based approach can foster a positive work environment and culture, leading to higher levels of employee engagement.
  • Greater innovation: Leveraging the strengths and abilities of team members can lead to new ideas and approaches, which can drive innovation within the organization.
  • Better team dynamics: A strength-based approach can encourage teamwork and collaboration, as team members are able to build on each other's strengths and abilities. This can lead to stronger relationships within the team and a more cohesive work environment.

In summary, a positive organizational development approach can be highly effective in driving success and improving team performance. By focusing on the unique strengths and abilities of yourself as a leader, and individual team members, organizations can create a positive and productive work environment that benefits both the organization and its employees. If you’re interested in learning more about strength-based approaches to leadership and organizational development, ask our admissions professionals about business degree programs at Champlain College Online!

About the Author

Albert Orbinati

Albert Orbinati, PhD, is Assistant Professor and Department Chair for the Business Management and Human Resource Management programs in the Division of Champlain College Online at Champlain College. His 20+ year career includes progressive leadership positions in secondary and post-secondary education, and the U.S. military. Dr. Orbinati holds a BA in Urban Planning from Binghamton University, an MBA from Champlain College, an MA in Adult Education from Central Michigan University, and a PhD in Adult Education from Capella University.